Records Criteria

Records will be kept in the following male and female categories:

  • U13, U15, U17, U20, Club (Senior), Masters
  • Age groups will be as per UKA rules (Masters on day of competition). Note: there will be no separate Senior Record.


  1. Competition Rules

    1. Performances shall only be considered where the competition complies with the licence conditions and relevant Rules, as set out by an approved governing body, or equivalent.
      1. The following sample list of approved governing bodies is supplied for guidance: SAL, UKA, World Athletics, IOC, IPC, SSAA, NIAA, AAA, CSSA
      2. The following sample list of ineligible events is provided as guidance: local school events, cross country and multi-terrain races, road races other than those measured and licenced by and approved governing body.
      3. Local JSAC organised events will be considered approved events, providing sufficiently qualified judges are present to allow compliance with rule 2.4 below.
      4. Events not specifically included in sections 1.1.2, 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 above should be considered on a case-by-case basis.  Additions or amendments to these list may be made by the Executive Committee.
      5. Records will only be kept in events where UKA Rules permit athletes in that age group to participate in that event (e.g. U13s cannot compete in 10,000m).
    2. For track & field events; the track should have been assessed and a valid current certificate (for the specific event being considered) issues by the appropriate governing body.
  2. Eligibility & Status

    1. The athlete must be a member of the Club on the day of competition and their subscription must be current.  UKA registration is not a requirement.  First, second and higher claim status members are all eligible, as are Honorary and Life Members.
    2. The Club Record will be the best performance by an athlete of any age (subject to Rule 3), using senior hurdles and implements where appropriate.
    3. Athletes can set a Club Record and a record in their own age category. For example, if an U15 athlete set the club record, the would also be the record for the U17 and U20 age groups, but not the U13, or for Masters where rule 4 does not apply.
    4. The result must appear on the Power of 10, or any UKA successor authority as approved by the Executive Committee.
    5. For all outdoor record claims up to 200m on the track and in the Long Jump and Triple Jump, information as to wind conditions must be available. If the component of the wind measured in the direction of running behind the runner averages more than 2 meters per second the performance shall not be accepted as a record except as outlined in the UKA Rules for Competition rule 264 (19)
  3. Additional Criteria

    1. When it is decided to accept a new record category; the inaugural record shall be the best performance of all time in that category which stands at the end of the season in which the new record category was accepted.
    2. In the event of a dispute regarding a record, the decision of the Executive Committee shall be final.
    3. Records that have been obtained Indoors will be annotated with an (i).
    4. The best electronic (e) and hand (h) recorded times will be noted for each event, where appropriate.
    5. New club records will be ratified at the next appropriate Executive Committee meeting.

Claims for records with full details (performance, meeting, venue and date) should be made as soon as possible after the event to [email protected]