There are specific rules in place for gym use:
- Only JSAC members may use the gym.
- Members must have an appropriate membership subscription to use the gym – one that includes use of FB Fields. (The new booking system will not allow the gym to be booked if the member does not the correct type of membership.)
- It is your responsibility to keep the gym code confidential and not share it with anyone else.
- Athletes under 18 need to be granted specific permission from the Executive Committee to use the gym, and can only do so when supervised by a JSAC Coach.
- Over 18s use the gym at their own risk.
- No food or drinks should be brought into the gym – except water in water bottles.
- Leave the gym tidy – return all equipment to its original place after your session.
- Do not bring dirty equipment or kit into the gym.
- Proper fitness attire is required – no boots, street shoes, sandals, bare feet.
- DO NOT remove equipment from the gym.
- Do not bring any other equipment into the gym.
- No more than 4 athletes in the gym at any time
- Wipe down all surfaces and equipment after use.
- Turn off lights when you have finished your session.
- Ensure the doors are properly secured and shutters down after use.
The Club have put these measures in place to try to make gym use as safe as possible. If you see or think of anything that needs amending as you use the gym, please let a Committee Member know asap so we can review.