The JSAC Cross Country Series is kindly sponsored by Advisa Wealth and is FREE to all entrants.
Races are open to Junior runners of ALL STANDARDS from 7 years old to 19 as at 31 Aug 2021.
Races are at various locations on the dates below. Venues shall be confirmed asap.
The events group is set by reference to the age group selected. That is essentially the age on 31st August 2021. In the Under 9 category we allow children to compete after their 7th birthday if that occurs before the event date.
Under 9 aged 7 or 8 & in school year 3 & 4 – approximately 1k to 1.2k
Under 11 aged 9 or 10 in school year 5 & 6 – approximately 1.25k to 1.6 k
Under 13 aged 11 or 12 in school year 7 & 8 – approximately 2.25k to 3.25 k
Under 15 aged 13 or 14 in school year 9 &10 – approximately 3.25k to 4.5k
Under 17 aged 15 or 16 in school year 11 &12 – approximately 3.25k to 4.5k
Under 20 aged 17 to 19 approximately 3.25k to 4.5k
The event normally has the first event starting at close to 1pm on that Saturday and we complete with final race starting 2:15pm. We shall also award the usual spot prizes and medals for top 3 and runner of the day up to Under 15. Vouchers for other categories. We hope you and your child can make it.
Please enter via Webcollect
Note: To ensure all children have a safe and enjoyable race we require parental help. Kindly volunteer to assist on at least 1 event.
Please be aware that on collection of your race number you may be asked as a parent to take on a marshal role if required.
[email protected] (monitored infrequently by Chris)
Carly Silvester: [email protected]
Chris Dorey: [email protected]
Hannah Gothard [email protected]